Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Font Test

This is a font test – Aharoni This font is very bold and would be a good choice for use in tiles and subheadings but would not be useful for main bodies of texts
This is a font test – Felix Titling this is a very basic block text that could be used for main bodies of text and would allow for variation from the standard font
This is a font test – goudy Stout this bubble like writing would be good for titles as it has a very distinct style and differs from the standard font for bodies of text
This is a font test – Magneto  This is a very stylised font. It isn’t the style I would want for a headline. However depending on the style of magazine and content of tex it may be useful and effective for paragraphs
This is a font test – LilyUPC This is a standard sort of font which would only be useful for passages of text as it varies on some letters unlike the calibri (the standard font). It is, however a very small font so changing the size may be inconvenient
This is a font test – Bauhaus 93 This is a similar style to Goudy Stout in the way that it is bold and stylised, although it differs as it has a distinctive stle for the letter S
This is a font test – this is a kind of cartoon style font that is bold and distinctive. However some letters prove difficult to read and therefor would not be fit for large quantities of text.

This is a font test – Wide Latin This basic bold font is very similar to the Aharoni font